Solid colors
The mosaic is composed of square glass tessera, produced in different sizes in a broad range of finishes and colors. Each glass tessera is different from the others, making even a monochromatic mosaic cladding absolutely unique.
beige -
yellow -
gold -
orange -
red -
pink -
purple -
blue -
light blue -
green -
brown -
black -
10x10 mm -
11,5x11,5 mm -
15x15 mm -
20 x 20mm – 3/4”x 3/4” -
25 x 25mm – 1”x 1” -
50x50 mm
canvas -
flow -
gloss -
glow -
le gemme -
opera -
opera gloss -
opera matt -
opus romano -
opus romano matt -
oro -
platino bis -
smalto -
vetricolor -
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